The rangers' view
[zoom] The rangers' view
This is the last day for Grand Canyon. We hike out - as planned. First, we pass by the house of the rangers. Wow cool view!

Along the trail upwards, we meet a number of mule trains. We are beginning to be sick of the smell of the mule...

A mule train on BA Trail
A mule train on BA Trail [zoom]

Upper part of BA Trail to the rim
[zoom] Upper part of BA Trail to the rim

The trail switchbacks to the rim and seems to be longer and longer... We take some breaks and enjoy the enjoy the vistas and the change of the view.

View over BA Trail and Plateau Point
View over BA Trail and Plateau Point [zoom]

View over BA Trail and BA Canyon
[zoom] View over BA Trail and BA Canyon

Welcome back to civilization
[zoom] Welcome back to civilization
Finally, we reach the rim.

We decide to walk along the rim - just for the view. However, with our big backpacks we feel like aliens among all those people. Funny that we regarded people with inappropriate shoes and clothing on the trail as aliens. On the rim, it is the other way around.

The canyon looks also very different from the rim. Zoroaster Temple is a really remarkable peak when you are in the canyon. On the rim, it is just one amoung many and you hardly notice it.

View westwards from the rim
View westwards from the rim [zoom]

Marie on the rim
[zoom] Marie on the rim

A squirrel on the rim
A squirrel on the rim
A note about squirrels: They look cute, but they are really nasty in the canyon. They really like your food! And they use every change to take some. So, never leave your food unattended. And never leave any garbage in your backpacks at night.

We call the Havasupai reservation campground and made a reservation for the 2nd next night. For this night, we stay in Williams.