River Trail along Colorado river (view eastwards)
[zoom] River Trail along Colorado river (view eastwards)
April 19, we have to reach Indian Garden Campground. So, after watching the sunset this morning, we manage to leave the campground at 9:30am.

We cross the river over the Silver Bridge and stroll along the riverside on the River Trail.

Thirsty girl ;-)
[zoom] Thirsty girl ;-)
Along the riverside, there are some yuccas on the beach. The sand on the trail is very fine and makes walking difficult.

Close to the riverside, we take some funny pictures for planning a desert movie ;-)

River Trail along Colorado river (view eastwards)
[zoom] River Trail along Colorado river (view eastwards)
After a while, the trail turns away from the Colorado. On a beach with rocks and fine-grained sand, we enjoy our last view inside the inner canyon.

The trail goes upwards trough the canyon with Garden Creek. Everything here: Rough landscape and some oasis with green trees.

Canyon of Garden Creek
[zoom] Canyon of Garden Creek

Finally, we reach the end of this side canyon and come on the wide Tonto Platform. Some minutes later, at 3:30pm, we are at Indian Garden Campground - a oasis with trees and water on the desert-like Tonto Platform.

When we started to cook, we noticed that our gas was almost empty. Unexpected because usually these gas cartridges last very long. But the strong wind required more gas and now we are short of gas. Marie manages to cook our dinner on the burner of our neighbours. When the ranger comes, we tell him our problem. Unfortunately, he does not have a gas cartridge of our type. But, fortunately, he helps us with a really strong burner.

When checking our remaining food, we also notice a lack of food! We should have packed everything that was on the table in the campground on the rim before we started the backcountry hike! Well... Every person gets his share of the remaining food and has to manage it on her/his own...