Petrified Forest NP is famous for two items: painted desert and petrified wood. The painted desert is one of the four types of deserts in the canyonlands area.

Painted desert
Painted desert [zoom]

Painted desert
[zoom] Painted desert

At the visitor center at the park entrance, they have a nice video that explains how the wood became petrified. In the park, you find the largest existing/known collection of petrified wood.

Petrified wood
Petrified wood [zoom]

[zoom] "Old Faithful" (largest piece of petrified wood)

From Petrified Forest NP, we continue on our way to Grand Canyon. At Flagstaff, we leave the Interstate and head for Grand Canyon Village. The road becomes smaller and goes up and up and up to the plateau with the canyon. When we reach the campground, it is already dark. Some piece of paper at the gate tells us where our site is.

At the park gate, we ask about snakes. The answer: "You will hardly see any snake. It must be 20 years ago that someone got bitten by a snake here."

We also take the food for the hike out of the car and put it on the table. "Wow! Do we really need that much!?" "Four cereal bars per day should be enough..." So, we put some stuff back into the car. Finally, the backpacks are packed and we can go to sleep.